Why I refuse to have children
I’ve been talking it over with some of my family members and friends, and I have told them that I am refusing to have children. One common question I get is “why not?” So in this post, I am going to explain all of my reasons for why I am refusing to have children.
I have serious mental health issues
Yes, I have serious mental health issues. I do not have it in me to wrangle kids. I have been known to have explosive outbursts when the slightest of things won’t go my way, that have resulted in involuntary hospitalization in the past (see below). It’s not fair to a child to put them through my fits of rage because they won’t behave because they are being kids. I would hate to wind up hitting a child and having a lot of problems as a result of that.
Any child I father runs the risk of inheriting my mental health issues
Any child I father does indeed run the risk of inheriting my mental health issues. I have to be medicated to survive in this world. I do NOT like being medicated because I feel like my meds suck away all of my emotions and energy. But I have no other choice now. I have been being medicated since I was a little kid (like 4 years old), and I have tried to come off of my meds in the past, and that did not end well for me. It resulted in being involuntarily hospitalized after trying to take my life by police officer. I am not putting any kids I would father through that hell. Even if they do turn out normal, the risk outweighs the benefits. People may have the right to reproduce, but some people with severe mental or physical illnesses should seriously consider the risks of reproducing.
I am too safety conscious for a child’s good
One of my neighbors also pointed out that I was so scared that my new little cousin was going to hurt herself as I was watching her roam all over the place and get into all sorts of trouble. She noted that she felt like me as a father would be overprotective, and fail to let kids be kids. Like my kids would be wrapped in layers of clothes to prevent them from getting the slightest scratch. She told me that is no way for a kid to live, and I agree with her.
Children tend to lead to broken relationships/divorces in todays world.
I want a wife or at least a long-term/life girlfriend. Children in many relationships these days will lead to broken relationships or divorces, and I don’t think I could handle losing someone I love deeply over a dispute about kids.
I have expensive tastes and hobbies
I am very fussy with what I eat. I only eat broccoli and cauliflower for veggies. I only like fish and poultry for meat. These are all very expensive. Not to mention, I enjoy fishing, golfing, video gaming, and I want to travel the world. These are also all very expensive and things that children would get in the way of.