Rant 04-21-2023
Well we’re heading into another year and so far it’s been pretty decent, but I recently came down with a cold…
Working at a gunsmith with a bunch of anti-vaccine people is probably part of the issue. Our plant is likely a prime target for viruses, due to the amount of antivaxxers who work there. I just don’t want to be sick anymore, but I’ve noticed an uptick in me getting sick since joining the gunsmith…
At least everyone there seems to like me, but I worry about what might be said behind my back, namely with regards to my right to life… I feel like the far right is starting to target mild autistics like myself. I feel like being murdered in a death camp seems increasingly more likely, and that is scary.
All I can say to all the people my age who have progressive views… get out there and VOTE in 2024. It’s important.